How to clean wine, coffee and grease stains from the sofa

Wine stains, grease and coffee stains are among the most difficult to remove without damaging the upholstery of the sofa or armchair. When we make handcrafted upholstery work for our customers, many ask us how to clean the sofa without damaging it, if necessary. Proper cleaning and maintenance of the product will ensure its long-term use and optimal condition. In general, the use of petroleum-based substances such as trichlorethylene or gasoline is not recommended, as these leave a strong and unpleasant odor that can persist for a long time.

Below, we analyze some useful rules that will help you deal with the problem of how to remove stains from fabrics.

The fabrics that cover sofas and armchairs are prone to getting dirty both with dust and with stains from wine, coffee, ice cream and sweets. Another cause of dirt is children’s games with waxes and markers. The problem arises when we intend to remove the stains and to save the upholstery we need to take some remedies. The fabric can be either of uniform or colored canvas, but also of velvet, silk, up to the most precious ones such as linen, cashmere or alcantara. In all these cases, we can intervene with chemical products that eliminate stains, but often visibly alter the warm and natural colors of the fabrics. Hence, it is advisable to adopt the old remedies with products that are not harmful to health and easy to find, which do not damage the structures and produce satisfactory results.



This type of stain is usually removed effectively using the same substance they are made of. The affected area should be sprinkled with alcohol so that it blends with that of the stain. Then you can add the talcum powder, let it dry and brush.


The first general rule of how to clean the fabric of upholstered chairs, sofa, armchair and upholstery is to be quick. There is a better chance of being able to remove a freshly made stain when the substance has not yet penetrated the fiber.

If you are not sure about the type of stain or fabric to remove, it is advisable to wet it with cold water. You can apply very little Marseille soap and rub gently. We recommend washing with abundant cold salted water, rinse for a long time and leave to dry away from sources of light and heat, to avoid streaks. Instead, pay attention to the use of hot water which often fixes the stain permanently.

If you are unable to remove stains from your sofa in any way, just contact us, we have a perfect solution for you. We can cover your sofa or armchair with a really great fabric for those who love to sit on the sofa in front of the TV and eat pizza, or drink a coffee ect ..

Beautifully woven and versatile Our fabrics are treated with Quick Clean technology that enables simple and quick cleaning of most everyday stains (coffee, wine, juice, ketchup,

Fabrics with the Quick Clean protection system have each fiber surrounded with a special layer, which works as an invisible shield against stains. Although the stain seemingly penetrates into the fabric, it in fact remains on the surface of the fibers and can therefore be easily cleaned. Only with a clean sponge and water! For more info Contact Us!


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